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Vote Trump 2020.

Talking about Vote Trump 2020.

RpsAgainstTrump United States @Chris15171 Not true. Romney didn't vote for Trump in 2016 and 2020 and pledged not to vote for him in 2024. The same goes for Larry Hogan. Republicans conservatives fighting Trump & Trumpism. Please support our work:
ostonox 🌱 vegan I hope AOC or Bernie run—whoever can put pressure on Biden and take a real shot—but short of that, this Williamson is *different* than 2020's Williamson Can you launch a campaign off Tiktok? It's basically the entire youth vote, and rn Marianne is punching right below Trump. 11/ internet analyst, motion designer, @hasanthehun's editor. | Tiktok/Youtube Manager. - would like to change name back to ostonox but twitter is broken
JustFollowingP3 U.S. @PeterRiveraJr @UnchartedBeach @MarinaMedvin Bringing troops hope, questioning NATO, ending the wars, twisting the nose of the establishment. I had never voted Republican for Pres in my life, and didn’t even vote Trump in 2016 (Gary Johnson). In 2020 I voted Trump with more conviction than any vote ever cast in my life. Secular Anglican ن—Libertarian-ish (LP) •🔰Georgist • 1A/2A/4A • End The Drug War • End The FED • MAGA-ish (follow limited, I need 5000+ follows b4 I can back)
teamphil @CanTgetwrite74 @KevinMoncla @CannConActual @larrywright @ShawnSmith1776 @PamelaEdwards @Inugamiz @mshale58 @Denisem1151 @Joe__312 @AngryFleas @ParikhClay @perinejennifer5 @sammk1964 Bensfords law is not the law and even funnier is the fact that Trump increased his vote share in 2020 over 2016 in Wayne Co (which includes Detroit). 2016: Hillary 66.78% vs 29.44% Trump 2020: Biden 68.32% vs 30.27% Trump Skeptical but I can be convinced with evidence. Mountain biker/cyclist. I sometimes refute false claims.
corjar25 @Andie00471 I voted for Biden in 2020 but I swear to God I will vote for Trump before I ever vote for Joe Biden again.. Is something I would say if we lived in an actual democracy and not a corporate dictatorship in which billionaire donors pick the president. The world you live in, is the world the oligarchy wants you to THINK you live in.
kingfish848 @MoorReese1 @JaymalGreen I didn't vote in 2020 because I dislike both, and I won't vote for either this time. However, better Trump, who's nuts, than Harris who's just too stupid to be president.
edkay79053417 @joncoopertweets The right wing whacko's are making martyrs out of these people...and the people doing this are the same people who applauded Trump for tying to undermine the vote in 2020 with the Big Election Lie...it's just plain stupidity!
Just_Looking_yo Progressive Democrat in FL. @joanq6 @TheDemocrats @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris I'm not listening. And you can STFU. Guessing you are not really a Democrat but are a Bernie-Bro. Bernie & Trump are alike: bitter, crazy old men. Biden may be old in years but he is still sharp enough to run the country. You probably didn't vote for Biden in 2020. FL Yellow Dog Democrat. Volusia County FL Democratic Party. Biden/Harris 2024. Love the beach & cycling. War Damn Eagle. Allergic to Republicans. fork Bama.
kcalpeguy @ProudElephantUS No, because its not about who people vote for, its about who counts the votes. Trump won in 2020, the counters stopped counting in key states and then in came the phony drop off ballots. Father, Retired Teacher and Coach, Duffer
ThisBarbara The Bull City @afrosabi It's going to be so much better. I feel like I nearly had heart palpitations over arguing with these people in 2016 and 2020 (esp 2016). Now, fork them, the rest of us will vote. I need to focus my time on the white women I know who are for trump or other republicans Dem crazy dog lady, Jersey in the south, armchair twitter pundit. Silence is complicity. Spoutible, Post, and Countersocial, same username
MartyBo09598705 @NickAdamsinUSA The Republican Party really does want to call it quits as a political party. Democrats and Independents would vote for anyone just so it would not happen. That's what happened in 2020, Anyone but Trump. and you want to add Tucker in the mix? Retired RN, aging Boomer, Small town USA, Never a Trump follower
JackNeat07 New Yorkistan @77WABCradio when President Trump is on the station as him whether he will stop ranting about the 2020 election and just move on with the future plans. People are generally sick of that talk - especially independents and he needs that vote to win A well regulated firearms owner and 2A advocate. Lover of OldNo.7. The system is rigged for those in power to remain in power. Disrupt the system.
MartinOKnight @KurtSchlichter Exactly. That's why all the TruSimp squeeing about Trump's rallies no longer moves me. First of all, there are many people who attend Trump rallies like season ticket holders ... and did not vote. 2nd; He didn't weaponize these rallies as registration opportunities in 2020. Muslim, Black, Conservative, Republican
LarryBentley1 @TylerCambre @BaronVonPhul @scrowder This is disproven by 2020 and 2022. Trump has 30% then the rest of conservatives and independents rather jump off a bridge than vote for him. Dems rather start a civil war. He will not win. Ever. I voted for him. Will never again solely because it is betting on a lame horse
JohnStrandUSA FACING ➁➃ YEARS PRISON: @scrowder President Trump won the *legal* vote in 2020—the American people have a claim to the benefits of the candidate they voted for. So the does the rest of the world, for that matter. WWIII and the demise of American Exceptionalism is not a joke, nor a vague threat. #Trump2024 “𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦, 𝘓𝘪𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘺, 𝘙𝘰𝘤𝘬 & 𝘙𝘰𝘭𝘭 ” • MAGA Zoolander per @RollingStone • Creative Director, @AFLDSorg • Host, @FrontlineFlash • J6 🇺🇸 Defendant •
SandraStrange22 Arizona, USA @jasonllevin Biden and we have to make sure Trump doesn’t get back in!! Every Democrat needs to vote in 2024 like they did last time in 2020! Survivor H-MDS 10 yrs+,💜Family, Animals wild/domestic, AZ Scenery, Vaxxed, Boosted, Born Dem, 🗡️ OTF, 🚫DMS
Bdave5832Doug @KamVTV the same polls trump cites that have him crushing everyone in the primary are the same polls that show him losing to biden in the general and desantis beating biden in the general election. too many people hate trump and vote against him. it will be a repeat of 2020.
1voiceofman @TisMoreorLess @marklevinshow That's an interesting statement. Trump lost the popular vote in 2016. He lost the midterms in 2018 along with the House. In 2020 he lost the popular and the electoral college vote, and Senate, and the House again. In 2022 which should have been a Republican tsunami,it wasn't.
Seahag4life Banana republic USA @_ZacharyMiller @MattWalshBlog Oh yeah a trump/duhsantis ticket will really impress the moderates had independents😂. Not to mention will be even more motivation for dems to come out and vote like they did in 2020. Trump is the slow death of the gop ✌️ 🖖🏻👽😸🍷🧋🏖🐊
JanetPageHill Florida, USA They do not; it is a double bluff to de-legitimize DeSantis. They prefer Trump to run. Trump will win the primary and I will vote for Trump. However, the Dems will rig 2024 like they did 2020 and it's in the bag for #FJB. 😡 Retired Ph.D. forensic psychologist. Love animals, mystery buff, political conservative. Active on Twitter since 2018. BD same as Elon! No DMs please.
JAviQt1 Hawaii, USA @scrowder trump. 1. it would be impossible for republicans to win a general election w/o the “only trump” vote. 2. 2020 was stolen and dt should be avenged. 3. can’t trust an ingrate who uses someone for clout then back stabs them. 4. dt kept his promises. he deserves four more years. 🎂decorator, portuguese/french, conservative, born/raised in hawaii🌈jawaiian music | no tolerance for vax pushers, groomers or abortion enthusiasts! ifbap🇺🇸
MicahALucas Rippon Landing @nvc_5545 @JarOfCards @ARandomDem1 You are incorrect. Trump got the same percentage of the vote in 2016 as he did in 2020. There was no change. There was NO shift. Period. The difference was 3rd party candidates receiving less vote in 2020 than 2016. Literally Trump received 52.2% in 2016 and 52.1% in 2020. Virginian. Commanders fan! Love the Hokies!
MicahALucas Rippon Landing @GalenMetzger1 Trump literally got 52.1% of the vote in 2020 and 52.2% of the Vote in 2016. Almost nothing changed. Virginian. Commanders fan! Love the Hokies!
MicahALucas Rippon Landing @GalenMetzger1 The confirmation bias here is real. Even with BLM and the summer of 2020, Trump won more of the black vote in 2020 than he did in 2016. He won more of the Hispanic vote in 2020 than in 2016. Virginian. Commanders fan! Love the Hokies!
NewSeanO Manhattan, NY @BillBob72042353 @kikjuicer9 @_ZacharyMiller @MattWalshBlog Independents are the dumbest voters. That’s my opinion. They vote against the incumbent. They voted against Trump in the hellscape of 2020 and they’ll vote against Biden in the hellscape of 2024. China interfered in the 2020 election. The Hyde Amendment’s biggest fan. #Trump2024
neesietweets America🇺🇸 @Laconia171 Lake Winnipesaukee Patriots🇺🇸will vote for Trump once again as they did in 2016, and 2020 ! Everyone knows that Rove and Jeb are backing DeSantis / This says it ALL about DeSantis 👎👎: #Christian ✝️ #ProLife 🇺🇸 #AmericaFirst 🇺🇸 #Trump2024🇺🇸 #MAGA🇺🇸
fanoonman Phoenix, AZ @EstoppelEnjoyer @KGB7222 @ProfessorF @cenkuygur @RobertKennedyJr (2) If you don't want to vote for RFK, that's your prerogative. But, since you brought up Trump 2020, if a well-known Republican announced a run against him in April 2019 and immediately got 14% of Trump voters, and the RNC said No Debates days later, you wouldn't say anything? Nutritional consultant/formulator, Parfarg analyst, polyrhythmic yodeler, cybercretin; 1996 Olympic Chortling team--Zoomboovia (bronze medalist); more to come!
MoreHumbleThanV @PatriotPalmsAZ @scrowder 75 million people didn’t vote for Trump in 2020. They voted against Biden. Do you not realize nearly every single DeSantis supporter was a former Trump supporter? Those of you demanding loyalty to trump are less than 3% of the party and less than 1% of the general. #CryAboutIt Destroyer of Pudding Cups and the Woke Agenda #BasedDeSantis
LibertarianMama Arizona, USA @deusxmach1na @RobTheConqueror @BusterTAce I don’t like Trump. I didn’t vote for Trump. I don’t care about his election. I’m going off my own experience as a 43-year old who has voted in every election since I was 18 and never had an issue whatsoever until 2020 and 2022. Mom of 6. Come for the laughs, stay for the liberty. Toxic individualist. #PardonSnowden #FreeAssangeNOW No DMs.
Jimmy570USA Pennsylvania, USA @2077Arasaka @mitchellvii We can argue all we want it isn’t going to matter who wins the nomination. If something isn’t done to protect the vote, the leftist will install another dem Trump is the same Trump he was in 2016 and 2020 as he will be when he wins in 2024 if the voting is secured! 🇺🇸 Be a FREE thinker!! AMERICANS, FIRST 2024! People loving, Devoted, Pop Pop! 😊 Husband to her ❤️ 35 years + 😍 🚫 DM’s!
EsotericRing @SpecialPuppy1 @b_schaffner @davidshor @gelliottmorris Wonder the demographic and lean of I won't vote and not sure are today Definitely some signs in polling that Trump is doing very well with 2020 nonvoters, will pull it up. Still need a bit more reliable pollster like NYT DeSantis more reliable with persuasion voters though bringing the end of your world with AI
redrovera1 @kansasauthor We all watched the vote counting pause late night on all the networks election night 2020. The Democrats had war-gamed this election night a few months earlier and knew exactly what to do. The pause came once the number of actual votes for Trump were known. They needed time to…
ScandyAndalous @19plf68 @jonathanvswan @ShaneGoldmacher @maggieNYT I think you'd be surprised how many people in 2020 turned out to vote against Trump as opposed to for Biden. There's no indication that won't happen again. The number one turnout driver for democrats (and a sizeable amount of Independents or Cent-Right) is to vote against Trump. A Rando with some thoughts
Robbhood6 Michigan, USA @charliekirk11 @DarekSp07 In a fair and legal race, Trump kicks the crap out of Biden! At 41 million dead people vote for Biden Trump loses just like 2020 Constitutionalist! The FBI are criminals Common sense is not a disease ! No trains please ! 14th start over ! was my backup account 😂I don’t proofread FJB 😂
PackFanatic1 WIS @DanODonnellShow Dan, Trump tried to take over the USA Government despite knowing that he lost the 2020 election. Its a pretty fair and accurate statement by Joe Biden. Signed, Independent voter who will NEVER vote for Trump, may return to the GOP after he's gone. You need me to Win WI POTUS :) Packers Fan
chockenberry78 Davenport, FL @thejackhopkins Before the 2020 election I saw somewhere running different scenarios where Trump could have lost the popular vote by 12 million and still won the electoral college. There needs to be some sort of reform to the system. Living life in Central Florida, still trying to get my life back together. Former @cbhockenberry #mbm4life #happytobehere
thelangsfore @YugeCletus @TimcastNews In my opinion either way, with or without DeSantis. Trump doesn’t beat Joe Biden in the general. He is not winning new voters with his tactics, and is only losing voters with his attacks on DeSantis. I voted for him in 2020, and if he is the nominee in ‘24 I will vote Independent
DigitalSGM United States @allastras @gvnzng @Victorshi2020 Well, they could believe E. Jean Carroll and declare they're voting for Trump anyway. It's important to own ugly moral choices, right? Psalm 107:28-30
hdestes43 @mitchellvii @RonDeSantisFL would lose credibility if he joined a Trump ticket. With the Democrat’s vote manufacturing and harvesting machine, they could run a mannequin in 2024 and defeat Trump…they proved that in 2020. Christian, Texan, Proud American who respects our flag and Constitution. Retired USAF, NRA Life Member. No DMs please.
FlatCircle8 Somewhere / Everywhere @Truthhurts69693 @stockvintages @Bitbat1 @jacksonhinklle @chrisdmowrey Don't care, put it to a vote and see what the real numbers are. Remember the midterms? RED WAVE? Polls said red wave! Polls said Trump would win in 2020! Polls said Hillary would win in 2016! How'd that work out? Another 🧱in the wall 🚀Views are mine -- RTs =/= endorsements - Mostly here for the #Phish tweets ☠️
idesofmarch205 Upstate NY @Olivedotkay @EllieGabalus Yeah I was willing to do that in 2020 to defeat Trump and with the understanding he wouldn't run again. And if he'd delivered on the major items in his platform I'd be satisfied enough to vote for him again, but he did not, and I don't believe he ever really intended to. Author, publisher, politics addict and PC gamer. #1 unironic George Santos fan
Hannan_Hannan2 @Texasrep2024 @realDennisLynch @MattWalshBlog @GovRonDeSantis I guess you forget how Trump flipped 3 counties in Florida in 2020 including Duval and Miami-Dade County and got the majority Hispanic vote. 🇺🇸 America First 🇺🇸 MAGA🇺🇸 I STAND WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP!🙏🇺🇸 They are not coming for me,they are coming for you,I am just standing in the way. #Trump2024
Mulshine Newark, NJ @KaladinFree @elonmusk If we'd had this in 2020. Trump might have won the election. His big mouth in the first debate started him on a slide from which he never recovered. Well, that and his failure to mount a get-out-the-vote effort. As one reader said, I am the most "inciteful" opinion columnist in journalism
RolexGambler God's Green Earth @CyndiSmallwood1 @GovRonDeSantis Good! Vote for Biden. If DeSantis cannot be POTUS in 2024, I certainly don't want Trump. Biden beat Trump already and will beat him again. Think about, Cyndi, what has changed since 2020 that makes you think Trump can beat Biden? Gambling...crypto...politics...registered GOP/Reagan Conservative...DeSantis 2024...looking for a new team to love...
dv8621 @suzost Never going to happen. Trump can't win in a general election. Didn't happen in 2020 and it certainly won't happen in 2024. Trump can't get the swing vote. You gotta have a big tent and Trump only has the MAGA crowd.
irishdad74 @RNCResearch I voted for him in 2020 and I'll vote for him again in 24. Not because I think he's a great person or leader, but because the GOP lost its mind with trump. That's a sad state of affairs for America Moisture & mold expert. Hater of Haters. Father, husband, animal lover. #MAGATears are delicious 😋
IlannaPhillips @mamashelly76 @RepMTG @POTUS "Installed"..ok Russia installed Trump in 2016..America booted him in 2020..Trump won't be installed again. The People vote in a President..and they don't want Trump. America chose President Biden..Trump lost, huge..get over it. Lifestyle & Culture Beauty. MAGAT'S, Trolls, BOTS, automatically blocked.
Coloradojack91 @Krysta92kat_ @TuckerCarlson I figured out he was a fraud when he said in 2020 we still have to vote for republicans because they aren’t the Democrats. Even after how we were betrayed by Trump and the rest of them. Those recent statements were just confirmation of what I already knew for years Pro white. I admit I’m an incel, but I don’t hate white women. It’s their job to select The best genes for our future
njwoman2be New Jersey, USA @Toddhallgarth @MattsOnTrack @EdKrassen How about mark Meadows voting from a place he didn't live. After 2016 the GOP congress spent 40m investigating voter fraud, bc Trump's ego couldn't stand that he lost the popular vote. They spent 40m, and found 80 documented cases of fraud..75% were Trump voters. Same w 2020
AlbertoMedinaPR Denver, CO @TheCheeseKing0 @JennyBirdresqr @JStein_WaPo Trump was voted out of office the same day Puerto Ricans voted for statehood. Democrats controlled the House, Senate, and presidency for two years after that 2020 vote. They shelved a bill to make PR a state and failed to take up a different PR status bill in the Senate. 🇵🇷 Writer + editor. Comms guy at @civicyouth, but views my own. Mostly writing about Puerto Rico. Bylines: @newrepublic, @latinorebels, @elnuevodia, etc.

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